We are proud to apprise that space & design are perfectly manned by a combined group of well-equipped and enterprising engineers coming from various reputed industries. They have sharp updated knowledge in modern technology, experience and know-how of respective technical fields.
We are proud to apprise that space & design are perfectly manned by a combined group of well-equipped and enterprising engineers coming from various reputed industries. They have sharp updated knowledge in modern technology, experience and know-how of respective technical fields.
Our company undertake and execute the following jobs with very much confidence to the entire satisfaction of the users.
Structure Is Our Speciality
SPACE & DESIGN specialises in
Tubular / Angular Structure
Prefabricated Steel Structures with Circular / SHS / RHS / Angular Section for Factory, Auditorium, Godown, Large Span Industrial Building / Accomodation ... Multideck Platform, Tower, Tank Staging ... Modern Atrium, Architectural Curved Structure ...
Specialised & Precise Fabrication Items
Bottom Ash Hopper, Scrapper Conveyor, Bag Filter, Nuva Feeder, MS Bin & Hopper
Specialised Construction Packge for Tea Industry
Factory and Withering Trough House Construction, Withering Troughs, Conveyor System...
Turnkey Projects
A Complete Package including Architectural Designing, Structural Designing, Civil Construction from piling to finishing.
We understand your Dream
Care your Expenditure
Ensure your desire for Quality
We always focus on providing our best untiring services along with most economic engineering solution understanding need our clients. Our clients priority, all the time is important to us and we ensure the tailor made design even in the hardest situation suiting to our client’s requirement. We trust in repeat orders which reflect the clients’ satisfaction and building a long term relationship that empower us for our continuous improvement to render better services.
The team
Each member of our team is a specialist in his or her field.
Soumitra Datta